Saturday, April 5, 2008

Just thoughts...

I went home yesterday and the night before last. It was kinda a surprise visit. So I am so excited to be moving back to San Marcos! Can't wait till I'm there.
I've been having these ODD symptoms lately. I feel so SICK, tired, and extremely weak. It's so strange. Not to mention I have been getting hives and bloodshot eyes. What is wrong with me? I want to FEEL better so I can go out and get a job/work out/etc.
While I was sitting in the old apt. waiting for Gabriel to get home and move everything I was doing some little drawing, then I colored them on photoshop.
I don't fell good. I'm gonna go lie down. see ya later!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Just a little something...

Thanks Kimberly for showing me this mosaic maker. Totally rocking right now.
Here's what I came up with SO far: ( i LOVE this machine!)

So tonight is a REALLY stressful night for me. We decided to move in with Gabriel's parents for many many reasons, mainly so I could quit my horrible job. And I'm not talking about I have a bad boss or anything like that. It was a BAD job. But I feel really confident after making my decision and so much self esteem has come back. And I know God will bless me for this choice. I just want to put that chapter behind me.
Anyhow. we moved in here but my poor kitty sunny:
has to live outside. To be honest it is TEARING me apart. I was sick before, but it is getting worse with all this stress. I hope she is still happy. I have been out there with her as MUCH as I can. I was out there with her tonight and she was actually playing with another cat. There are SO MANY strays here. I think it is safe to say I live in the ghetto. Our neighbors had a drive by on them and it's just NOT a good part of town. (It's not really a good town period.)
I'm kinda sorry I said that. I'm just stressed now. I am VERY thankful his parents are taking us in. They are SO KIND to us. I wish I could do/say more to help out around the house but it's kind of awkward because I am naturally SHY SHY SHY and also, his dad doesn't speak english.
I'll take some pictures of the house tomorrow and put them up. It's nice! And so sweet to think that his dad built it all for his family when he was around 21.
Well I hope to report with better news later.
Oh yea! I have to get a job. I am having this terrible habit of starting a job, not liking it, and LEAVING. BAD habit. Probably not tomorrow, but the next day I will go look for one and i VOW to keep it. Gabriel and I also decided to start running around the track. YES! I have not been to happy with my body lately. Honestly.......what do you think of breast implants?lol. ok not THAT big. But honestly I barely fill an A cup :-(
I guess it's not really an option seeing as how I don't have $6000. lol.
Well, typing it all out made my mood lift. Thanks blog.


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