Monday, March 31, 2008

Do you ever find it frustrating when...

there is too much inspiration out there?
Isn't is sometimes overwhelming?
The reason I bring this up, is because I stumbled across all these crazy awesome sites today. You can check them out in my "rockin' sites" section. I don't even remember how I came across them. But here are a few images that REALLY inspired me. And made me green with envy.

ok, Who's not going to pull out an old book and do this now? It's so crazy cause I doodle every day, but who ever thought of this genius idea? Would I wouldn't give to have been the creator of this awesome art:
And talk about awesome wall decorations. I'm totally making me some of these to decorate with.

I'm not so sure which site I got this from, bu isn't it great? How cool would it be to make a heart out of the tape coming out?

And maybe it's because we packed away all of our food and I haven't eaten in SOOO long, but this looks super yummy. Wow, how I would love to be the kind of woman who can bake like this.

More awesome wall art:

Anyway, there is just ENDLESS cool things out there for you to find. So much inspiration. It's hard to get a hold of it all!
Well hope this managed to inspire you some. Not overwhelm.
I gotta find SOMETHING to eat.

Friday, March 28, 2008

SO we're MOVING out :-)

Celebrate your life IN COLOR! color theory contest. Here were my finalist pages. What a shocker. Because I had never really scrapped before this! I am super excited that I can now show you all these.

Today we are moving......AGAIN.
I hate moving really really badly. Now we have to rent a U Haul AND storage. And I have to super clean this Apt. I only have 2 days. Yuck. The more I think about it, the more frustrated I seem to get.
Anyhow, I found this REALLY funny website the other night, where you can see what two people put together look like. Check it out here.
So this is what Gabriel and I would look like if we reproduced. YIKES! Maybe we'll hold off on that.I had fun all night with this program.

And for the news on Orange Milk Lab......
I am so excited for some BIG news! Bigger than I hoped for.
Only I can't say it now :-D
But I am SUPER excited.
For those of you waiting....I will show you a few more pieces of paper:

this one is called "air" it's from the elements collection

and this one is called scrambled eggs from the morning milk collection:
I hope you guys like! SOON they should be for sale. :-D I am SO excited :-D
Well, I better start moving. See you all later! -Bonnie

Friday, March 21, 2008


So things are taking longer than I wanted to get going.
Boo. I have a LOT to figure out with social networking, etc.
Maybe I will just ope up my own online shop. I think that sounds easier.
But I got HUGE news today :-)
Ashley Wren (best scrapper ever!) Asked me to sponsor her class! :-) And in turn, she is going to link up my site. YES! How awesome is that? I have honestly been in love with her work since I first saw it. So I am beyond honored. I Will keep you guys posted with updates about Orange milk lab!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

dear blog

So I announced it.
Orange Milk Lab is coming soon.
I can't tell you all the feelings I have right now!
I am excited, and scared, and HAPPY.
And anxious.

I want to show a few of my favorite papers with the world.
the first 3 are from my "elements" line

and the last 2 are from "morning milk"

I want to show MORE but I guess I will have to wait until I get my site up and running. (oh yea, its going to be btw.) Hopefully by the 21st? I'm saying the 25th because I am SOOOO not tech savy. But secretly I am hoping for the 21st. (Thats of March!)
There are so many places I want to go with this, but I guess I will have to wait and see what happens. Thank you everyone for all your support. I am so excited, and I cannot wait to get started.

it's coming.....

Something I have been wanting for a long long long long time.
In less than 2 weeks, it should all begin. And it can't come soon enough, because I have been up these past 5 nights preparing. Hopefully soon, I will be able to get some sleep.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cool Cool

So, I didn't make the design team but.............
I am a guest designer! :-)

Also, today, I think I am off work. SO Gabriel is going to take me to a movie. Charlie Bartlett.
I have been WANTING to see that so bad.

I made my mom A blog here at knits of the round table
What do you think?

<3, Bonnie

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A new day......

is a new day.
I feel pretty good. I am super excited about the rainbow swap here.
I all ready got my partner who I LOVE! Check out her work: Allison11
She has beagles! how awesome is that?

Today I want to finish our apt. album. It's my first 12x6.
I just got the KC collection (I know, I'm behind!) And I cannot WAIT to use it :-)
2 more days till we get the results of the DT contest!
I would LOVE to win.
<3, Bonnie

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