Monday, March 31, 2008

Do you ever find it frustrating when...

there is too much inspiration out there?
Isn't is sometimes overwhelming?
The reason I bring this up, is because I stumbled across all these crazy awesome sites today. You can check them out in my "rockin' sites" section. I don't even remember how I came across them. But here are a few images that REALLY inspired me. And made me green with envy.

ok, Who's not going to pull out an old book and do this now? It's so crazy cause I doodle every day, but who ever thought of this genius idea? Would I wouldn't give to have been the creator of this awesome art:
And talk about awesome wall decorations. I'm totally making me some of these to decorate with.

I'm not so sure which site I got this from, bu isn't it great? How cool would it be to make a heart out of the tape coming out?

And maybe it's because we packed away all of our food and I haven't eaten in SOOO long, but this looks super yummy. Wow, how I would love to be the kind of woman who can bake like this.

More awesome wall art:

Anyway, there is just ENDLESS cool things out there for you to find. So much inspiration. It's hard to get a hold of it all!
Well hope this managed to inspire you some. Not overwhelm.
I gotta find SOMETHING to eat.

1 comment:

Charin Adams said...

Lots of cute eye candy! :) Thanks for sharing.


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