Monday, July 7, 2008

Etsy Etsy Etsy!

I just created my Etsy shop :-) So far I have only added two things:

I love them so much! I am thinking about adding my doodles again. Not so sure though. For sure I am going to be adding more prints. I wish there was an easier way to get the word out there. Guess it's time to start going to those sites I haven't visited in a while. I had an old etsy shop which did pretty well! Any how blog, I will keep you updated. Oh, and lets cross our fingers, I submitted some of my work to a company who seemed a little interested. :-D. hope it goes well!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ahh! I'm in love

Walking through Borders I found the CUTEST things from paperchase and now I am in LOVE. I just had to buy these things.

How awesome would it be to design for them? I love the lunch box so much. I've been carrying my art supplies in there. I've been really creative lately. Mostly, I have been designing myspace LO's in photoshop. One of these days I'll start scrapping again. Maybe when I get my paper in the mail. Speaking of which, I still haven't seen on SIS tv. I wonder when It will be up?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I just love

Anything that has to do with creating. I decided to create my own myspace LO, and this is what I came up with:

So Orange Milk Lab should be hitting the shelves at SIS tv any day now. Can't wait to see how it all turned out. Just wanted to give you guys a brief update. I've been doing a lot of crafty things lately. Hope to post more soon.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Feeling like I WANT to be creative again....

So thats a good thing, eh?
Also contemplating changing my major to art? or photography? Just because I am having a love affair with photoshop. It's like.......there is SO MUCH to learn every day. I've only been at it about 6 months. Or less. SOOOO much to learn. Here's my recent fav. creation:

I'm getting super excited about this up coming semester. I only want to take ART courses. I've been checking out deviant art a lot lately and it is REALLY inspiring. WOW.

Also, I've been hanging out at SIS tv. I can't wait to see their new SIS TV paper line. HINT HINT. Any day now :-P Maybe I will even get back to scrapping one of these days. Hopefully I'll be posting a lot more. This blog is kinda boring. I like to change things up a lot. Maybe I'll do that here soon.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

HI blog, it's been a while!

So I just finalized my paperline. The first one to come out is going to be "morning milk." Little bit of changes. ;-) Wish I could share more.

Anyhow, things have been pretty great here lately. I am back in San Marcos. The town that I love. I have a GREAT brand new apt. which I love. Not to mention I got it for a great price. The only sad thing is that Gabriel is still in Laredo. He'll be here soon though. :-)

I've been working out lately. My new place has a gym! I love it. I never pictures my self as the excercize type, but I've been pretty commited so far. I can't wait to post pics of my new place. It's sad I'm moving out again in the fall. At least the place I'm going to in the fall is nice too!

I have been so busy I haven't been able to scrap. Maybe I will when my paper line comes out. (Well of COURSE :-P) I'm going to be so excited to see them all nicely printed out.

I don't have a computer where I live....yet! So I have to get on at work! Shhh.........

Hope to hear from some of you guys soon.


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Just thoughts...

I went home yesterday and the night before last. It was kinda a surprise visit. So I am so excited to be moving back to San Marcos! Can't wait till I'm there.
I've been having these ODD symptoms lately. I feel so SICK, tired, and extremely weak. It's so strange. Not to mention I have been getting hives and bloodshot eyes. What is wrong with me? I want to FEEL better so I can go out and get a job/work out/etc.
While I was sitting in the old apt. waiting for Gabriel to get home and move everything I was doing some little drawing, then I colored them on photoshop.
I don't fell good. I'm gonna go lie down. see ya later!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Just a little something...

Thanks Kimberly for showing me this mosaic maker. Totally rocking right now.
Here's what I came up with SO far: ( i LOVE this machine!)

So tonight is a REALLY stressful night for me. We decided to move in with Gabriel's parents for many many reasons, mainly so I could quit my horrible job. And I'm not talking about I have a bad boss or anything like that. It was a BAD job. But I feel really confident after making my decision and so much self esteem has come back. And I know God will bless me for this choice. I just want to put that chapter behind me.
Anyhow. we moved in here but my poor kitty sunny:
has to live outside. To be honest it is TEARING me apart. I was sick before, but it is getting worse with all this stress. I hope she is still happy. I have been out there with her as MUCH as I can. I was out there with her tonight and she was actually playing with another cat. There are SO MANY strays here. I think it is safe to say I live in the ghetto. Our neighbors had a drive by on them and it's just NOT a good part of town. (It's not really a good town period.)
I'm kinda sorry I said that. I'm just stressed now. I am VERY thankful his parents are taking us in. They are SO KIND to us. I wish I could do/say more to help out around the house but it's kind of awkward because I am naturally SHY SHY SHY and also, his dad doesn't speak english.
I'll take some pictures of the house tomorrow and put them up. It's nice! And so sweet to think that his dad built it all for his family when he was around 21.
Well I hope to report with better news later.
Oh yea! I have to get a job. I am having this terrible habit of starting a job, not liking it, and LEAVING. BAD habit. Probably not tomorrow, but the next day I will go look for one and i VOW to keep it. Gabriel and I also decided to start running around the track. YES! I have not been to happy with my body lately. Honestly.......what do you think of breast implants?lol. ok not THAT big. But honestly I barely fill an A cup :-(
I guess it's not really an option seeing as how I don't have $6000. lol.
Well, typing it all out made my mood lift. Thanks blog.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Do you ever find it frustrating when...

there is too much inspiration out there?
Isn't is sometimes overwhelming?
The reason I bring this up, is because I stumbled across all these crazy awesome sites today. You can check them out in my "rockin' sites" section. I don't even remember how I came across them. But here are a few images that REALLY inspired me. And made me green with envy.

ok, Who's not going to pull out an old book and do this now? It's so crazy cause I doodle every day, but who ever thought of this genius idea? Would I wouldn't give to have been the creator of this awesome art:
And talk about awesome wall decorations. I'm totally making me some of these to decorate with.

I'm not so sure which site I got this from, bu isn't it great? How cool would it be to make a heart out of the tape coming out?

And maybe it's because we packed away all of our food and I haven't eaten in SOOO long, but this looks super yummy. Wow, how I would love to be the kind of woman who can bake like this.

More awesome wall art:

Anyway, there is just ENDLESS cool things out there for you to find. So much inspiration. It's hard to get a hold of it all!
Well hope this managed to inspire you some. Not overwhelm.
I gotta find SOMETHING to eat.

Friday, March 28, 2008

SO we're MOVING out :-)

Celebrate your life IN COLOR! color theory contest. Here were my finalist pages. What a shocker. Because I had never really scrapped before this! I am super excited that I can now show you all these.

Today we are moving......AGAIN.
I hate moving really really badly. Now we have to rent a U Haul AND storage. And I have to super clean this Apt. I only have 2 days. Yuck. The more I think about it, the more frustrated I seem to get.
Anyhow, I found this REALLY funny website the other night, where you can see what two people put together look like. Check it out here.
So this is what Gabriel and I would look like if we reproduced. YIKES! Maybe we'll hold off on that.I had fun all night with this program.

And for the news on Orange Milk Lab......
I am so excited for some BIG news! Bigger than I hoped for.
Only I can't say it now :-D
But I am SUPER excited.
For those of you waiting....I will show you a few more pieces of paper:

this one is called "air" it's from the elements collection

and this one is called scrambled eggs from the morning milk collection:
I hope you guys like! SOON they should be for sale. :-D I am SO excited :-D
Well, I better start moving. See you all later! -Bonnie

Friday, March 21, 2008


So things are taking longer than I wanted to get going.
Boo. I have a LOT to figure out with social networking, etc.
Maybe I will just ope up my own online shop. I think that sounds easier.
But I got HUGE news today :-)
Ashley Wren (best scrapper ever!) Asked me to sponsor her class! :-) And in turn, she is going to link up my site. YES! How awesome is that? I have honestly been in love with her work since I first saw it. So I am beyond honored. I Will keep you guys posted with updates about Orange milk lab!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

dear blog

So I announced it.
Orange Milk Lab is coming soon.
I can't tell you all the feelings I have right now!
I am excited, and scared, and HAPPY.
And anxious.

I want to show a few of my favorite papers with the world.
the first 3 are from my "elements" line

and the last 2 are from "morning milk"

I want to show MORE but I guess I will have to wait until I get my site up and running. (oh yea, its going to be btw.) Hopefully by the 21st? I'm saying the 25th because I am SOOOO not tech savy. But secretly I am hoping for the 21st. (Thats of March!)
There are so many places I want to go with this, but I guess I will have to wait and see what happens. Thank you everyone for all your support. I am so excited, and I cannot wait to get started.

it's coming.....

Something I have been wanting for a long long long long time.
In less than 2 weeks, it should all begin. And it can't come soon enough, because I have been up these past 5 nights preparing. Hopefully soon, I will be able to get some sleep.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cool Cool

So, I didn't make the design team but.............
I am a guest designer! :-)

Also, today, I think I am off work. SO Gabriel is going to take me to a movie. Charlie Bartlett.
I have been WANTING to see that so bad.

I made my mom A blog here at knits of the round table
What do you think?

<3, Bonnie

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A new day......

is a new day.
I feel pretty good. I am super excited about the rainbow swap here.
I all ready got my partner who I LOVE! Check out her work: Allison11
She has beagles! how awesome is that?

Today I want to finish our apt. album. It's my first 12x6.
I just got the KC collection (I know, I'm behind!) And I cannot WAIT to use it :-)
2 more days till we get the results of the DT contest!
I would LOVE to win.
<3, Bonnie

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A definate good thing about today...

Today, was pretty lousy.
Except, I got a great gift:

Oh yea, and I just realized how much I love my parents and if they weren't there, how much in trouble (and debt) I would be in. I love my parents very much.

:*-( Boo!

Today I am going to pick up my kitty from the vet. (She just got spayed!)
It was only supposed to be $20 because I got her from the animal shelter, but now it's $75.
I can't figure out way.
I couldn't afford it, and so she has to stay there until I can.
I bet she is so scared.
Poor sunny, I miss her.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

SO lonely

My blog is so lonely. :-(
So is my house right now. My kitty is getting spayed.
Gabriel is at work.
Here are the LO's I am submitting to the DT call:

I still have to come up with an altered item.
Wow, it's so boring at my apt. right now!
I need a good scrapping challenge to do.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Am I sick?


I don't know what is causing it, but I'm really kinda freaking out because I selpt for 24 hours straight, and I have NEVER done that before. Tomorrow I have work at 8 am too. yuck.
I was creating my "week in review" album, but I didn't do anything in it yesterday, so now I am thinking of starting over.
I just ordered a bunch of awesome stuff from SIS tv. LOVE it. <3.
They are pretty awesome.

Ok guys, see ya later. Hope I feel good enough today to SCRAP. Maybe I will do a challenge or something.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Don't Drink and Paint

Hi guys! Thanks for checking this out. This is my first *ever* scrap room. I am only going to be living here for another 5 months, but I want to paint it! I always think I have an awesome idea about painting, but when I do it, it turns out BAD. So I am recruiting your help! Please post pics or links of great organizational ideas, color schemes, painting techniques, ETC! If I use your idea in my scrap room I will send you some goodies in the mail. Thanks for watching!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Please, God let her sleep tonight....

Thanks, Guys for coming to my blog.
Today was so boring. I live and work in my (rather large) apartment and that is ALL I do. Except the few hours I spend a week at my two classes.
I got a new kitty (breaking the rules already!) And she cries more than I would have liked. She has to be quiet or the neighbors are going to report me to the manager. I don't want to pay any more than I already have to. To me her name is Sunny, but Gabriel calls her biscuit. Please, God let her sleep tonight. I HAVE to sleep good. You know I do. Gabriel is also bored, I can tell. He is taking harmonica lessons online. We are both really depressed and bored. Rather than blowing a harmonica, I took up scrap booking and blog writing. Close to what I do anyway, which is graphic design.
I am trying a new town for 6 months. I have never been away from my parents. I am a little sad.
I miss my puppies and my kittens. Those two kitties are so cute. They are BEST friends, and they follow each other EVERYWHERE and clean each other.

We call them the prince and the pauper. (Can you guess which is which?)
In case you can't tell, the grey one is mo (mo garza........cute little story with Gabriel there.) Poor mo is just a common grey. :-P
The fluffy one is the prince. Prince Harry. (Mom named him.)
Silly names, but I miss my boys. I don't have any pictures of my new kitty. Maybe soon.
I can't wait to get some of my scrapping pages up. Just to tired tonight. (It's only 12 which is early for me.) But tomorrow is a day I have class. I don't want to leave Sunny alone with only Gabriel but I have no choice. Thursday will be worse because we both have class at the same time. I hope she is ok to be alone by then. See you all tomorrow, I hope.

P.S. Who is SOOOOO excited for LOST season premier on the 31st? ME!
P.P.S. My hand is so scratched up from Sunny. Seriuosly, it HURTS.

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